This paper compares Dilthey’s efforts to confront cultural friction with Nietzsche’s philosophy as it impacts such conflicts. Both authors recognize various legitimate claims on behalf of the Romantics, while also admiring certain Enlightenment doctrines as well. While Dilthey recommends cross-cultural understanding, Nietzsche puts forth his Zarathustrian ideal as a general solution to mankind’s problems, cultural and otherwise. While cross-cultural understanding holds out promise, it seems not to be able to avert all wars, while Nietzsche’s Zarathustrianism offers little utility in achieving its promises.
Wilhelm Dilthey, Friedrich Nietzsche, honor-based, dignity-based, WWI
How to cite:
Herrman, Charles S. “Dilthey, Nietzsche and the Two Faces of Culture.” Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 8, no. 4 (2024): 156-192. https://doi.org/10.14394/eidos.jpc.2024.0027.
Charles S. Herrman
Independent Scholar, USA
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