
Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture publishes original, problem-oriented articles devoted to contemporary philosophy of culture.

The articles should be previously unpublished and they cannot be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submitting an article, the author declares that it is his or her own original work and, in its current form, it has not been published elsewhere. 

The peer-reviewed articles should be submitted in MS Word and should not exceed 60 000 characters with spaces, though in exceptional cases longer contributions can be considered. They should be accompanied by: 1) short abstract (no more than 150 words); 2) 5–7 keywords; 3) a short bio of the author; 4) a list of references; 5) ORCID number (if possible). Book reviews should not exceed 35 000 characters with spaces.

All submitted articles should be well-written in English. It is recommended that they follow the Chicago Manual of Style (in terms of citations, footnotes, bibliography, etc.). The basic editorial guidelines for contributors can be found here.

Starting from volume 7, we use iThenticate plagiarism detection software to check all submitted papers.

Due to the brutal full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and its sovereign people Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture will not take into consideration any contributions by scholars representing Russian state institutions – universities, research institutes, journals, and any other sites that promote (contribute to and/or benefit from) Russian authoritarianism, nationalism, and any imperialist policies. The same holds for any contributions by scholars representing non-Russian institutions, but either promoting Russia’s expansionist agenda or undermining the sovereignty of Ukraine and its people. This regulation remains in power until the complete withdrawal of the Russian army from Ukraine.

Structure of Editorial Process

Every submitted text is to be initially accepted by the two members of the Editorial Staff. They will confirm the reception of the text and inform the author whether – or on what conditions – it can be submitted to the peer-review process. The editors evaluate a paper solely on the basis of its objective value, its quality, and its compliance with the profile of the journal. If their initial assessment is negative a paper is to be rejected. If they differ in opinion, the final decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief after consulting Deputy Editors-in-Chief and the members of the Advisory Board. If their verdict will be positive, they will send their suggestions for potential improvements to the author. The estimated time for the Editorial Staff’s and the Peer Reviewers’ feedback should not exceed 5 months in the academic year.

After that, the text is subject to the double-blind peer-review process. Based on the referees’ recommendations and suggestions, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding the publication. The Editor-in-Chief – with help of the Deputy Editors-in-Chief – monitors the whole editorial process (including peer-review process) ensuring its neutral, honest, and transparent character. He also guarantees that it fulfills, at every stage, the generally accepted ethical standards laid down in more detail in our Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

We neither pay the authors nor expect any payment for publishing in Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture. The texts will be available for free on the journal’s website and assigned with their Digital Object Identifier numbers.

Open Access Statement

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, as long as the author and original source are properly cited. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Submitting a text to Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture means that the author agrees with the general conditions of this license. The author does and will maintain copyrights and publishing rights for his/her article without any restrictions.

Department of Philosophy of Culture, room 101
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
Krakowskie Przedmieście 3
00-927 Warsaw (Poland)

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