PhD works as an adjunct at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. She is an author of a monograph Wsłuchując się w muzykę. Studium z fenomenologii słuchania [Listening-in to Music. A Study in Phenomenology of Listening] (Warsaw 2017) and articles on aesthetics, phenomenological aesthetics and philosophy of music. From 2016 she was as a founder and now is a member of Research Center for Philosophy of Music affiliated with the Institute of Philosophy and the Foundation Form. From 2017 she is a director of a research project „Philosophy of Music. Metaphysic, Phenomenological and Deconstructive Pathways to Researching Music, its Practice and Theory” no. 2016/23/B/HS1/02325 financed by the National Center for Science.
Last updated on April 4th, 2020.