/Review of Anthony J. Steinbock’s, Limit-Phenomena and Phenomenology in Husserl (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), 155 pages./
This cohesive collection of essays from Anthony Steinbock is vital for understanding the situation of henomenological philosophy. Along with the exegesis of texts central to its development, he shows a way of doing phenomenology “after” Husserl, of taking up a style of philosophy that would take matters as they give themselves. And the matters treated are of perennial significance – birth and death, home and alien, as well as vocation and love. All this is one in a characteristically clear and careful manner that benefits from decades of reflection and refinement. One must keep in mind, however, that the concise formulation he has achieved indicates both previous and future work.
How to cite:
Barrette, Andrew. “Moving Beyond Limits Together: Anthony Steinbock’s Phenomenology after Husserl.” Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2, no. 2(4) (2018): 154-158.
Andrew Barrette
Department of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Faner Hall, Mail Code 4505, 980 Faner Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
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