The Concept of Cultural Normativity in the Context of Phenomenology of Law

Abstract: The goal of the text is to reconstruct the concept of cultural normativity found in the phenomenological philosophy of law. The starting point of the text is the distinction between cultural normativity and normativity in culture. This distinction is based on reference to an extra-cultural, but not non-human instance – transcendent to the creations of…

2019-04Thematic Section
The Performative Aspects of Metaphor: The Metaphorization of Silence between Intentionality and Conventionality

Abstract: Metaphor, as is known, has been considered an expression of the creative approach of a subject to language and thinking. Metaphor enables the subject of cognition and action to establish meaning – the subject exercises semiosis not only by referring to the former convention and the situational context, but also by transforming it due to the distinct…

2019-01Thematic Section
Edmund Husserl’s Semantics and the Critical Theses of Late Structuralism

Abstract: The article contains a review of the main arguments proposed by the philosophers of late structuralism (including the so-called post-structuralism) against Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology, particularly, his theses on semantics. Polemics against the Husserlian conception of semantics are grounded in the structuralists’ opposition to the various theses of Husserl’s phenomenologies (both the transcendental constitutive and…