This paper provides a phenomenology of the suicidal process. It begins with an examination of the self and the breaks that occur within the world that the suicidal individual endures. This includes an examination of suicidal hopelessness, termed in this paper as ontological petrification. It follows with the role in which hope plays in the suicidal. The paper then turns to carrying out the action of suicide, including a discussion of the suicide note and the developing form of the suicide note as found in live-streams on social media. The paper concludes by describing the completion of the suicidal process, and the persistence of the suicidal drive in the suicidal individual. The paper makes use of suicide notes, video suicide notes, and stories of suicides.
suicide, phenomenology, suicide notes, hopelessness, existential phenomenology
How to cite:
French, Michael. “Death Awaits Me: An Existential Phenomenology of Suicide.” Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4, no. 2 (2020): 70-89. https://doi.org/10.14394/eidos.jpc.2020.0017.
Michael French
School of Health Sciences, University of New Haven
300 Boston Post RD, West Haven, CT 0651, USA
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