In this article, I make an attempt to elucidate the problem of violence in Foucault’s genealogy that, following Nietzsche’s genealogy, seems to be based on the concept of a conflict of forces. Thus, the war of forces that constitutes history is the first dimension in which the presence of violence can be described in Foucauldian philosophy. The second dimension refers to violence taken as the effect of an interplay between forces. Both aspects allow us to think on violence, not in terms of natural objects, but in terms of relations and simultaneously to challenge the established concept of violence as something necessarily related to brute force or aggression.
violence, non-violence, genealogy, event, theory of forces, Herkunft, Entstehung
How to cite:
Dworakowska, Katarzyna. “Foucault’s Genealogy in War: A Creative Element of Violence.” Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3, no. 2(8) (2019): 26-39. https://doi.org/10.14394/eidos.jpc.2019.0015.
Katarzyna Dworakowska
Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw
Mokotowska 16/20, 00-561 Warsaw, Poland
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