Eli Kramer – Ancient Philosophical Inspirations for Pandemiconium (1-6)
Michael Chase – Which School of Ancient Greco-Roman Philosophy is Most Appropriate for Life in a Time of COVID-19? (7-31)
Matthew Sharpe – A Good Person for a Crisis? On the Wisdom of the Stoic Sage (in Himself & for Us) (32-49)
Marc-Henri Deroche – Living Mindfully Through Crisis: Searching for Life Advice in the “Philosophy-Medicine” of Buddhism (50-69)
Luis de Miranda – Five Principles of Philosophical Health for Critical Times: From Hadot to Crealectics (70-89)
Lucio Angelo Privitello – Another Kind of Octopus (90-107)
Marcin Poręba – Gödel, Wittgenstein and the Sensibility of Platonism (108-125)
Maria Alina Asavei – On Tradition and Cultural Memory in Contemporary Art: Theoretical Considerations (126-139)
Charles Johnson – For the Love of Wisdom (140-145)
Jan Zwicky – Frost and Snow (146-154)
Kevin C. Taylor – Situating Narrative and Systematic Accounts of Wisdom (155-161)
Laura Mueller – Through a Glass, Darkly: The Struggle of Perfecting Humanity (162-168)
Leading editors: Eli Kramer (Editorial Staff), Micheal Chase (Advisory Board), and Matthew Sharpe (Advisory Board)
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